About Kiva

Kiva's mission is to connect people, through lending, for the sake of alleviating poverty.

Kiva empowers individuals to lend to an entrepreneur across the globe. By combining microfinance with the internet, Kiva is creating a global community of people connected through lending.

What is microfinance?

"Microfinance is the supply of loans, savings, and other basic financial services to the poor." (CGAP)
As the financial services of microfinance usually involve small amounts of money – small loans, small savings etc. – the term "microfinance" helps to differentiate these services from those which formal banks provide.
Why are they small? Someone who doesn't have a lot of money isn't likely to want to take out a $5,000 loan, or be able to open a savings account with an opening balance of $1,000. Hence – "micro".

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Latest Statistics

The following statistics are from March 1, 2010. For the latest statistics, click here http://www.kiva.org/about/facts

Total value of all loans made through Kiva: $123,615,310
Number of Kiva Lenders: 679,994
Number of countries represented by Kiva Lenders: 193
Number of entrepreneurs that have received a loan through Kiva: 310,460
Number of loans that have been funded through Kiva: 173,446
Percentage of Kiva loans which have been made to women entrepreneurs: 82.35%
Number of Kiva Field Partners (microfinance institutions Kiva partners with): 109
Number of countries Kiva Field Partners are located in: 52
Current repayment rate (all partners): 98.38%
Average loan size (This is the average amount loaned to an individual Kiva Entrepreneur. Some loans - group loans - are divided between a group of borrowers.): $398.29
Average total amount loaned per Kiva Lender (includes reloaned funds): $181.85
Average number of loans per Kiva Lender: 5.28